The dangers of unencrypted email communications

Securing Email Communications: The Importance of Encryption

Securing Email Communications: The Importance of Encryption

As features in email communications continue to evolve, more and more businesses turn to this easy-to-use, cost-effective medium. Companies no longer have to spend a ton to communicate with their clients on the other side of the globe. Employees who are out of the office can now conveniently get in touch with their customers and send crucial files no matter the time or location. Despite having great benefits, this medium of exchange comes with some dangerous drawbacks, particularly ones pertaining to email security.

Social engineering

Cybercriminals constantly come up with ingenious ways to steal vital information. For social engineering scams, spoof emails using account details that resemble trusted recipients, such as your close friend or boss. They will bait you into revealing confidential data by urgently asking for your help, requesting your charity donation, demanding company credit card details, or other scenarios.


We first encountered malware decades ago in the form of viruses, but it has now developed into other alarming forms, including Trojan horses, spyware, worms, and ransomware. The method is still as simple as it was before; it prompts unsuspecting users into clicking on an infected URL or file, tugging at human curiosity. Once successful, they will have control over your servers and workstations so they can change user permissions. They will then have access to vital data, monitor each user’s activities, and conduct other malicious acts.


This scheme resembles social engineering scams, whereby hackers masquerade as trusted entities. This time around, they lure businesses by sending seemingly authentic emails that request financial and personal information, such as your Social Security number, bank account number, or password. They could either ask you to simply respond to their email or redirect you to a fake website to gather data.


Hackers can even try the old-school method of using codes and programs to attack your mail server and system. Once there, they will collect user’s passwords, which will give them further access to your entire office network.

Human error

But not every security threat is premeditated. Your employees could unknowingly put your organization at risk, particularly when they are not trained with online safety protocols. Your team is bound to make the mistake of forwarding your crucial information to cybercriminals lurking on the web without knowing until it’s too late. This is why you must take extra precautions and have a recovery plan in place in case it happens.

Email encryption is the key

Practically every regulated profession, major enterprise, and government organization already have established clear-cut security protocols in place, and these generally include encryption to keep private information safe during email exchanges. And since 2.9 billion users (1 out of 3 people) globally will have email access by 2023, this is more crucial than ever. Email communications will become an indispensable tool for businesses, as long as it remains encrypted.

End-to-end encryption works by disguising the emails you send so unauthorized users won’t be able to understand your messages even if they do intercept them. It even comes with a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) wherein senders and receivers input unique secret codes to retrieve the readable format. But to fully take advantage of this security tool, you must also enlist expert technicians who are always one step ahead of hackers and have complete access to advanced encryption programs.

Email encryption doesn’t only keep your company safe from the dangerous cybercrimes listed here. It also helps you comply with regulations that require you to keep client’s information secure from prying eyes. Otherwise, you might end up facing legal action for endangering your clients’ identities online. If you want to know more about encrypting your email, just give us a call! And why just stop there — here’s a free eBook with valuable cybersecurity tips to further protect your business.

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