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The Real Security of Cloud Storage: What You Need to Know

The Real Security of Cloud Storage: What You Need to Know

The Real Security of Cloud Storage: What You Need to Know

Security of Cloud Storage: Several businesses have turned to cloud storage services like Autotask Workplace, OneDrive, and Dropbox, but a significant minority still believe that storing data in the cloud is not safe. After all, major cloud providers have been hacked in the past.

But despite previous events and what skeptics believe, cloud storage may be as secure as experts claim it to be.

Robust security standards

Unlike traditional in-house storage, cloud providers stay compliant with ISO 27001 and other security standards. This means they employ powerful firewalls, encryption software, and backup systems to ensure data privacy, integrity, and availability.

Comprehensive and regular audits

Top MSPs regularly perform thorough audits for cloud security to ensure compliance. This protects clients’ security systems against vulnerabilities by identifying flaws before they arise, so you have the guarantee that your files will always be secure.

Dedicated cybersecurity expertise

Managed Service Providers (MSPs), like ARK Solvers, have access to technicians with specialties in cybersecurity that your in-house staff just don’t have. You can rest easy knowing that there’s a team of highly skilled technicians who proactively evaluate the security of your cloud infrastructure, monitor your systems, implement powerful protocols, and boost your defenses.

Controlled access

Human error is always an issue when it comes to handling confidential files. Your team can fall for a number of online attacks, including social engineering and phishing scams. What’s worse, they could have poor security habits, such as leaving devices unattended in public and using guessable passwords.

The cloud minimizes the risk of human error with access controls and multi-factor authentication. Access controls allow you to determine which users can or can’t access certain files in the cloud depending on their role and job seniority. Multifactor authentication adds a secondary verification method on top of your passwords (e.g., a temporary SMS code) to prevent hackers from hijacking your accounts.

Encrypted files

You no longer have to worry about the various physical and virtual channels that your private data would have to go through just to get to your team, clients, or vendors. Cloud solutions allow you to encrypt your files, so hackers won’t be able to understand them unless they have the encryption key to decode them. This advanced sharing technology now allows you to conveniently and securely conduct business matters online.

Physical security measures

If your in-house server rooms aren’t secured properly, hackers can simply walk in and compromise your hardware. Meanwhile, cloud providers secure their data centers with several layers of protection, including security cameras, concrete barriers, high fences, barbed wire, and security guards that patrol the area around the clock.

Multiple copies

To make sure you never lose data, reputable cloud providers store multiple copies of your data in their many backup facilities. This way, if your in-house servers fail, you always have a copy of your files safely stored in the cloud. The only way you will lose your data permanently is if all copies are wiped.

If you’re still unsure about the security of the cloud, take some time to read our FREE eBook entitled Demystifying the Cloud. But if you’re ready to take advantage of the cloud, just give us a call!

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